You would not think that there is a perfect recipe to make popcorn... or even a need for a perfect way to make popcorn, easy as popcorn seems... But there is...! The secret of this recipe is that all kernels pop almost at the same time, with no burned kernels on the bottom, and hardly any corn unpopped. I am not a big fan of cinema popcorn, but these have managed to smuggle their way into our Saturday-evening-home-movie-nights: warm, and crunchy, but melting on the outside with a crispy, tasty centre... how to resist?  :-)

The recipe is from: Simply Recipes

Makes: never enough ;-)

3 Tbsp peanut oil (or any other high smoke oil)
1/3 cup of high quality popcorn kernels
Also: app. 3 litre Saucepan with glass lid (important: the kernels should be covering the pot in an even layer)

Heat 3 Tbsp oil in the pan over medium-high heat. Once hot, put 3-4 kernels into the oil and cover the pan with the lid. Now wait for the kernels to pop. This means that the oil is now hot enough to proceed. Remove the pot from the heat and add the remaining kernels. Put back the lid. Count 30 seconds. During this time, the kernels will all warm up to near-popping point. After the 30 secs put the pan back on the heat. Soon the popcorn will start to pop. Leave the lid slightly ajar so that the steam can escape, making the popcorn even crispier. Shake the pan a little to make sure all kernels fall to the bottom to have contact with the heat. When the popping has stopped, remove the pan from the heat and put the popcorn into a wide bowl. Add salt to taste , stir, and serve immediately. 



Makes: never enough ;-)

3 Tbsp peanut oil (or any other high smoke oil)
1/3 cup of high quality popcorn kernels
Also: app. 3 litre Saucepan with glass lid (important: the kernels should be covering the pot in an even layer)

1) Heat the oil: Heat 3 Tbsp oil in the pan over medium-high heat. Once hot, put 3-4 kernels into the oil and cover the pan with the lid. Now wait for the kernels to pop. This means that the oil is now hot enough to proceed. 

2) Warm the kernels for 30 seconds: Remove the pot from the heat and add the remaining ⅓ cup kernels. Put back the lid. Count 30 seconds. During this time, the kernels will all warm up to near-popping point. 

3) Pop the kernels: After the 30 secs put the pan back on the heat. Soon the popcorn will start to pop. Leave the lid slightly ajar so that the steam can escape, making the popcorn even crispier. Shake the pan a little to make sure all kernels fall to the bottom to have contact with the heat. 

4) Season and serve: When the popping has stopped, remove the pan from the heat and put the popcorn into a wide bowl. Add salt to taste , stir and serve immediately. 
